Iced latte recipe and more

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Starbucks iced latte is your favorite and you’d love to know how to make an iced latte at home? Easy, the recipe is really simple and the result is fantastic! Start with a coffee latte, or latte, which is basically just an espresso coffee with frothed milk. And for the iced latte, just add crushed ice or ice cubes. Spice it up for an even more delicious drink and add flavors to your taste: caramel syrup, chocolate, vanilla, ice cream, plant milk, etc.

Follow the guide, for the detailed iced latte recipe and heaps of variations including vegan, that will amaze your friends!

The classic recipes of iced latte

Classic Iced Latte Recipe

The iconic and classic recipe to make an iced latte at home is based on ingredients that are simple and usually readily available:

  • ice (of course)
  • sugar
  • milk
  • coffee
  • flavor (optional)

For the proportions, 2/3 of milk for 1/3 of coffee.

As we said in the introduction it all starts with a latte (or caffe latte or cafe latte or coffee latte). To prepare an iced latte is easy: make an espresso and froth the milk! Add ice cubes, sugar, and mix everything, it’s ready!

For the milk froth, if you have an espresso machine it usually has a milk frother. It’s the hot vapor nozzle sticking out, just put it in the milk and let the vapor flow.

If your espresso machine doesn’t have a frother, one option is to buy an independent milk frother.

Now, what if you don’t have a milk frother (and don’t plan on buying one)? The easiest is to mix all the ingredients in a blender or shaker, no need to froth the milk beforehand. Let it run for a couple of minutes and enjoy your homemade iced latte!

If you prefer to froth the milk separately, follow our instructions on how to make homemade milk froth.

You don’t want to use dairy milk? No sweat just use your preferred plant milk. And if you’re thinking it’s going to be difficult to froth it, check out how to make plant milk froth.

What if you don’t have an espresso machine for the espresso? In that case, make strong filter coffee, it won’t be the same as with an espresso, but you’ll get your homemade iced latte.

Iced latte: Starbucks recipe

It’s pretty much the same as the original recipe of the iced latte.

Make an espresso (or a strong filter coffee) and put the ice cubes in a large glass. Pour the espresso over the ice. Mix 3/4 cup of dairy milk or plant milk with your flavor of choice (caramel, cinnamon, vanilla, etc.) and sugar. Pour into the glass containing the coffee, your homemade Starbuck iced latte is ready!

Each step of the recipe makes for great photos for an Instagram story!

Thermomix Iced Latte Recipe

This is the fastest and easiest way to make an iced latte. You’re going to love even more your Thermomix! Place all the ingredients in the bowl. Run the Thermomix for a couple of minutes and… Tada, the homemade iced latte is ready!

Recipes for an even better iced latte

Vanilla Iced Latte Recipe

A delight for lovers of vanilla! Use liquid vanilla to flavor your milk, or even better heat the milk with a split natural vanilla bean. After that, follow the classic recipe to make a vanilla iced latte.

Vegan iced latte recipe

To make a vegan iced latte use the plant milk of your choice in the recipe: coconut, oat, soy, almond, etc. You can also replace regular sugar with maple syrup, stevia, coconut sugar, honey, or agave syrup. All make for a delicious vegan iced latte.

Chocolate Iced Latte Recipe

It’s a blog about coffee, but we’re open so… for the ones who don’t like coffee make a chocolate Iced latte. Use chocolate milk instead of espresso. Flavor to your taste with maple syrup, caramel, sugar, etc. add the ice cubes and mix in a blender or shaker.

For those who don’t drink dairy milk, swap the milk with plant-based milk: oat milk, soy milk, almond milk, etc.