Coffee while working from home: how to choose the perfect companion

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Working from home offers increased flexibility and convenience, but maintaining certain habits is essential to ensure a productive day.

Among them, the coffee break remains a privileged time to relax, refocus and get a boost of energy. Find out how to preserve and digitalize your teleworking coffee break, as well as the choices available to you in terms of coffee and coffee makers.

Why should you save your coffee break?

The coffee break is not only a pleasant moment, but also an opportunity to briefly disconnect from the screen and renew your energy.

Even when working remotely, it is crucial to take regular breaks to avoid mental and physical fatigue.

Which coffee to choose: ground or grain?

The choice between ground coffee and coffee beans depends on your preferences and routine. Ground coffee is convenient and quick to prepare, ideal for when you are in a hurry.

Coffee beans, on the other hand, retain their freshness longer and allow you to grind the exact amount needed for each cup. If you’re looking for a more immersive experience, coffee beans offer a stronger variety of flavors.

Which coffee maker: filter, Italian, espresso?

The choice of coffee maker depends on your preference in terms of preparation and flavors:

  • Filter coffee makers offer simple and efficient preparation for multiple cups.
  • Italian coffee makers, also called moka pots, produce concentrated and robust coffee.
  • Espresso machines are ideal for lovers of strong, aromatic coffee.

Select the coffee maker that best suits your work space and your taste expectations.

Tips for a successful teleworking coffee break

  • Plan your coffee breaks to give yourself moments of relaxation.
  • Use a timer to avoid extending your break longer than necessary.
  • Prepare your workspace for a pleasant and relaxing break.
  • Vary the types of coffee to change your routine.

Frequently Asked Questions about Teleworking Coffee

How to maintain a coffee break when working from home?

Plan regular breaks, step away from the screen and take the time to enjoy your coffee.

Which coffee maker is best for working from home?

Choose the coffee maker that meets your brewing and flavor needs, taking into account the available space.

When working remotely, your coffee break can be much more than just a ritual: it is an essential moment of recharge for a productive day. By choosing the type of coffee and coffee maker wisely, you can create the perfect coffee break experience that is both invigorating and delicious.